Moving to New Host
Posted August 19th, 2006 by Max Chirkov
Sorry for the inconvenience, but our Real Estate Directory won't be available for now until I completely move everything to new host. My current hosting company took the liberty to pull the plug on my site due to high server load from the directory. After about 18 hours of downtime and bullshit they finally turned the site back on until I pack up and move out. Unfortunately they don't allow me to run the directory, to make sure it won't pull down the whole server. Please be patient I'm working on migrating the site right now. Hopefully it won't take too long. I appreciate your understanding and support. Feel free to post in the forums.
12:36PM EST - I have switched DNS names to the new host now. It will be completely propagated withing 48 hours. I can not test everything until the domain name start pointing to the new host, but so far it looks like directory and the blog should be working right away. If you can't access the directory - that means DNS hasn't propagated yet. Stay tuned for updates.
12:42PM EST - looks like the process has began. I can access my domain through FTP account on the new server - this only works from my home computer, but not from the office yet. Hopefully withing a couple of hours I'll have http access to the new server :)
1:18PM EST - pings with the new IP now :) It's coming!
1:44PM EST - looks like it is partially propagated and I can access the site on the new IP in my office. Everything looks pretty screwed up. Not sure if it has to do with the propagation or something else. I guess we'll have to wait to find out. Forums do not work right now, so if you have a comment leave it here. I'm not positive if my ibsteam emails will be working fine - feel free to contact me at [email protected]
2:59PM EST - Forums are back in business! Emails functioning fine. Working on the directory.
4:56PM EST - seams like everything is working now. A few minor bug will need to attend later. CSS in directory completely screwed up in Firefox, but looks fine in IE (weird, would css get affected by the move.. ). My old host is down again.. I don't know if they are really down or just turned by account off just because was moving...